Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Farewell Cait and asalaam alaykum Bangladesh

 It is a sad day on this journey as I have lost a dear friend when she flew back to Georgia today. A steadfast companion who calmed my nerves uncounted times as we drug bicycles across the continent. An understanding vegetarian who picked around rooster heads, and mystery meats, all such that I might explore my culinary curiosities. Her inquisitiveness is infectious and her optimism infectious. She will be missed as I press on to Bengal and beyond.


It must say something about a city which has to post these prohibitions in a taxi.  Anyones guess as to what the first image is, and for those unfamiliar, the second to last image is a Durian, a tropical fruit with a distinct fragrance of rot.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Flooding in Cambodia

With headlines in Phnom Penh describing rural floods as catastrophic, we were surprised to find that in affected areas the disaster seemed something to be shrugged off, or even relished: here, some kids diving in exemplary Khmer style.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Through the Mekong

 One of many ways of catching fish in the Delta region, electric shock.

After 5 days of cycling through the Mekong were greeted by this scene from our bungalow by the beach on Phu Quoc Island.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Night in Hanoi


Small roasted birds for sale outside Sapa, Vietnam
Ha Long Bay


KAyaking in Ha long Bay. Having been told that not refusing a gift is a chief rule of Vietnamese ettiquette, I didn't refuse this cigarette from a passing fisherman... regrettable so.